Short: Dynamic buffers, useful stuff, now FREEWARE !! Author: RhoSigma, Roland Heyder (Germany) Uploader: Roland Heyder Version: $VER: extra.library 4.516 (30.05.04) Type: util/libs Requires: OS 1.2 (v33+) or better, OCS, 68000-CPU, 512KB english: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - complex dynamic buffer system for easy data handling in memory - support functions to compute checksums in standard amiga filesystems - some functions for string handling and parameter conversion - also some plastic surgery i.e. colorful »DisplayAlert()«-replacement - special version for CGX/P96-Support available, but needs at least OS 2.0 (v36+) and optional the cybergraphics.library v40+ or the Picasso96API.library v2+ - sorry, developer documentation and files available in german only, but feel free to translate it, I'd be glad to include it into the archive with a notice to honor the translator ... Please take also a look to my other Software on Aminet: ------------------------------------------------------- - comm/www/MakeHTMLMap.lha - dev/basic/MBPrefs.lha - util/wb/RandomWBPatt.lha deutsch: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - komplexes dynamisches Puffer-System für einfache Datenhandhabung im Speicher - unterstützende Funktionen zur Checksummenbildung in Standard-Amiga-Filesystemen - einige Funktionen zur Stringhandhabung und Parameterumwandlung - des weiteren ein wenig plastische Chirurgie, z.B. eine farbenfrohe »DisplayAlert()«-Routine - spezielle Version mit CGX/P96-Unterstützung verfügbar, benötigt jedoch min- destens OS 2.0 (v36+) sowie optional die cybergraphics.library v40+ oder die Picasso96API.library v2+ Werfen Sie doch auch mal einen Blick auf meine andere Software im Aminet: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - comm/www/MakeHTMLMap.lha - dev/basic/MBPrefs.lha - util/wb/RandomWBPatt.lha ============================================================================= History: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ v1.323 (18.11.00) - First public release v2.062 (03.03.01) - some minor changes for CGX-Support, now only using CGX-Modes if the first (topmost) screen is already a CGX-Screen, otherwise fall back to OCS/ECS/AGA - fixed a really stupid bug in system function entry »Close()« which caused a memory loss of approx. 104 bytes every time it was called by »exec/CloseLibrary()« - 3 new enhanced functions for the dynamic buffer system to allow to specify the type of memory to use for the buffers v2.078 (19.03.01) - just forgot to change the version/revision entries within the librarys resident structure, which caused »exec/OpenLibrary()« to fail with version argument set to v2 - fixed a small bug in routine »BufInfo()«, APTR bib_LastFind was filled in incorrect v2.223 (11.08.01) - fixed a bug in CGX-Support-Code, CGX features became disabled if the extra.library was initialized before any CGX monitor driver came available in system, now in this case the opening of cybergraphics.- library is delayed until such an monitor driver comes available. v2.287 (14.10.01) - replaced »rhosigma.c« with »rhosigma.lib« (first Version 1.286) - some minor enhancements on C/C++ Support-Routines - some Include-Files restructured for better support of »rhosigma.lib« v3.342 (08.12.02) - added some new functions for parameter conversion and introduced a complete new enhanced system for internal string handling - include file »extra.bc« got a new function to support the above mentioned string handling system v3.367 (02.01.03) - damn shit, just released v3.342 and a few days later I encounter two f*cking logical errors within the Buffer system, already hiding there since first public release !! - FIXED NOW !!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- COMPATIBLE VERSIONS 1-3 ------- A NEW AGE IS STARTING WITH VERSION 4 --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ History: (The new Age) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ v4.172 (21.06.03) - fixed a bug in »StringToLong()«, plus (+) is now also accepted for signed value strings - had some random crashes caused by »UnGetMem()« with another argument given then »NULL«, intercepted and fixed now - little change within »ShowMsg()«, if a button is pressed, it now waits until it is released again, avoiding multiple screen flipping, in case a retry loop is active and the function is reentered before the button is released. - fixed a name conflict in BASIC-Macro »DATEXT()« !! ATTENTION DEVELOPERS !! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Because of a major change in boolean constants you should recompile/assemble your earlier projects using this new set of developer material and also raise the version of extra.library needed for your projects to version 4, even if you would only need version 1-3. This is to make sure your program works with future versions of extra.library. Version 4 and further comming versions of extra.library are NOT compatible with versions 1-3 because of the above mentioned changes in constants. - major version bump to v4 because of a major change mentioned above, which was absolutly needed to avoid interference with already existing NDK defined booleans (especially DOSTRUE/DOSFALSE) v4.215 (07.10.03) - added support for Picasso96 graphic system similar to CGX support - converted to HTML using GuideML and added the HTML docs to the archive v4.516 (30.05.04) - changed »PrintIoError()« and »ShowMsg()«, beside left/right mouse buttons, you can also use now the keys LALT/LAMIGA and RALT/RAMIGA to make a selection - changed software state to FREEWARE - documentation updated for new features and software state